View Full Version : Adding extra menus in UDM3

02-16-2008, 08:34 AM
How can i add extra menus to the UDM3 menu system?
you are only allowed to have 2 drop down menus but i know you can add more but i don't know how, so if any body can show me how i would be greatly thankful.

and please don't tell me to go read the FAQs because it doesn't tell me how.

02-29-2008, 02:06 PM
You can add new top level items by opening the resources/custom.js file and adding something like this...

MI("index.html","<span class='u'>U</span>ltimate Drop Down Menu",194,"center","","",0,0,"u","#ffeac0","","","");

To add items to that new menu, you can add the following code:

// define submenu properties (width,"align to edge","text-alignment",v offset,h offset,"filter","smCOLOR","srCOLOR","sbCOLOR","shCOLOR","saLINK","saHOVER")

// add submenu link items ("url","Link name","_target","alt text")

SI("index.html","Script home","","");

To further add "flyout" menus from there, use this code...

// define child menu properties (width,"align to edge","text-alignment",v offset,h offset,"filter","smCOLOR","srCOLOR","sbCOLOR","shCOLOR","saLINK","saHOVER")

// add child menu link items ("url","Link name","_target","alt text")

CI("custom.php?v=menuALIGN","Global style definitions","","");

Hope this helps.