View Full Version : Microsoft Open Sources F#

11-05-2010, 03:09 PM
aabelro writes "Don Syme has announced the release of the F# compiler source code as a code drop under Apache 2.0. He wrote, 'The F# PowerPack now includes libraries, tools and the compiler/library source code drops. I'd like to take a moment to explain the F# team's approach to this. Firstly, the source for the F# compiler in our MSI/CTP releases has been available for some time, in the releases themselves, so in that sense there's not much new in this release. Secondly, we've always made sure we have a free download binary release of F# available, and will continue to do that, and that should still be the main way you "get" a release of F#. However, we've long discussed making compiler+library source available in a different way. After some discussion, we've decided to do this via a "code drop" model, where we make available versions of the compiler+library code logically matching each release of the F# language itself.'"http://a.fsdn.com/sd/facebook_icon_large.png (http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.slashdot.org%2Fstor y%2F10%2F11%2F05%2F1244236%2FMicrosoft-Open-Sources-F%3Ffrom%3Dfb) http://a.fsdn.com/sd/twitter_icon_large.png (http://twitter.com/home?status=Microsoft+Open+Sources+F%23%3A+http%3A %2F%2Fbit.ly%2FbeDHC7)
Read more of this story (http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/11/05/1244236/Microsoft-Open-Sources-F?from=rss) at Slashdot.
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