Ultimate Web Site Drop Down Menu Forum

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-   -   Set or lengthen the Time-Out on an <image ALT> tag or workaround? (http://www.udm4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=815)

ISMAILC 12-24-2007 08:31 AM

Set or lengthen the Time-Out on an <image ALT> tag or workaround?
Hi, I need help please!

I have fields with images next to them used as tooltips, I'm using the ALT
but the problem io have the users have lenthy text they want to display over the images. The ALT works fine but it time-out which does not allow users to read the full tooltip text!

Is there a way i can set the lenght or a workaround or another way?

Please Assist!


vinyl-junkie 12-24-2007 03:28 PM

I haven't tried it myself, but you might want to look into the onfocus tooltips extension. Please let us know how that works for you.

I plan on trying it myself, and will post my findings on how well it works for me when I do.

vinyl-junkie 12-24-2007 05:01 PM

After playing around with the tooltips extension this morning, I finally remembered that I had used it a while back but taken it down from my site because it doesn't work properly in Firefox. It works great with Internet Explorer and words wraps just as you would expect. With Firefox, long text just doesn't display the entire text. :(

ISMAILC 12-27-2007 07:00 AM

I'm going to try another method
Hi, Thank you for the assistance!

I'm going to try another method: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamici...tmltooltip.htm


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