Ultimate Web Site Drop Down Menu Forum

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-   Troubleshooting (http://www.udm4.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=12)
-   -   Nearly got it..need help! (http://www.udm4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6376)

ludo33 02-16-2009 06:20 PM

Nearly got it..need help!

I've got the expanadable menu (PHP) installed on a test machine and something aint quite right:


Added <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/udm-resources/menu.css" media="screen, projection" /> =======just copied the line above

<ul id="udm" class="udm">

<li class="onclick"><a class="nohref"> North Scotland</a>
<li class="onclick"><ahref="http://aberdeen.dnsalias.org">Aberdeen</a></li>
<li class="onclick"><a href="http://dundee.dnsalias.org">Dundee</a></li>

My css style sheet:

/* expanding menu styling */
#udm ul {
margin-left:0 !important;
margin-top:1px !important;

/* no rollover on nohref links */
#udm a.nohref {
background-color:transparent !important;
border-color:#f8fbd0 !important;
color:#060 !important;

/* no rollover on nohref links */
#udm a.nohref {
background-color:transparent !important;
border-color:#f8fbd0 !important;
color:#060 !important;

/* give all anchors a hand cursor */
#udm a {
cursor:pointer !important;
cursor:hand !important;

I think the nohref style is in the wrong place or my menu.css aint right, can anyone help me?

ludo33 02-19-2009 04:31 PM

OK Got it
OK got it working properly, well nearly!
When the menu displays it has a 20px(approx) margin on the left hand side.

//styles which apply to the navbar
$um['navbar'] = array(
'-20', // nav to menu x-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
'0', // nav to menu y-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
'160px', // width ["em"|"ex"|"px"] (vertical navbar only - horizontal navbar items have "auto" width) ("%" doesn"t work right)

tried "-20" and "-20px" to no effect, Anybody any ideas how to get rid of the margin?

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