Ultimate Web Site Drop Down Menu Forum

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-   -   Help with IE6/WIN2000 issue (http://www.udm4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=856)

drnjames8 01-15-2008 04:15 AM

Help with IE6/WIN2000 issue
The page http://ouray.k12.co.us looks good in firefox. There is a grey bar behind the menu that won't show up in IE7 but when viewed in IE6 the menu is okay but it throws the second column down to the bottom of the first column. It makes such a mess! I don't understand. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

01-23-2008 01:40 AM

In your "udm-resources/udm-custom.js" file, look for this block of code:


um.items = [
        "3",                // margin between items ["n" pixels]
        "1",                // border size ["n" pixels] (single value only)
        "collapse",        // border collapse ["collapse"|"separate"] (only applies when margin = "0")
        "#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999",// border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
        "solid",        // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
        "#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999",// hover/focus border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
        "solid",        // hover/focus border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
        "#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999",// visited border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
        "solid solid solid solid",// visited border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
        "4",                // left/right padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
        "6",                // top/bottom padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
        "#ff6600",                // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
        "#ffe",                // hover/focus background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
        "#ff6600",                // visited background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
        "75%",                // font size ["em"|"ex"|"%"|"px"|"pt"|"absolute-size"|"relative-size"]
        "veranda,sans-serif",// font family ["font1,font2,font3"] (always end with a generic family name)
        "lighter",                // font weight ["normal"|"bold"|"bolder"|"lighter|"100" to "900"]
        "none",                // text decoration ["none"|"underline"|"overline"|"line-through"]
        "left",                // text-align ["left"|"right"|"center"]
        "#000000",        // color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
        "#b05010",        // hover/focus color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
        "#000000",        // visited color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
        "normal",        // font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
        "normal",        // hover/focus font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
        "normal",        // visited font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
        "letter-spacing:1px !important;",// additional link CSS (careful!)
        "",                // additional hover/focus CSS (careful!)
        "",                // additional visited CSS (careful!)
        "right-green.gif",// menu indicator character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"]
        "right-red.gif",// menu indicator rollover character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"] (must be same type)
        "0",                // clipping width of indicator image ["n" pixels] (only when using image arrows)
        "..",                // alt text of indicator image ["text"] (only when using image arrows)

Change the "menu indicator images" from "right-green.gif" and "right-red.gif" to "none".

Hope that helps.

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