Ultimate Web Site Drop Down Menu Forum

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-   -   Where are new versions announced? (http://www.udm4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2363)

eric.oman 10-08-2008 01:36 PM

Where are new versions announced?
The UDM menu system is great. We are currently using the non-commercial license, but we may purchase the single site, 10-pack, or unlimited site license soon, depending on how widely we deploy the UDM menu system. Although we are non-commercial, we will probably want to purchase the commercial license so we can remove the link that says "Accessible Website Drop Down Menu by udm4.com" (to appease our web committee).

Did I mention I think UDM is great? That deserves saying a few times. Very nice product.

Here's my question.

Short of periodically downloading the latest version, how do I know when a new version has been released? I know http://www.udm4.com/ has an HTML comment that says "ULTIMATE DROP DOWN MENU Version 4.5 by Brothercake", so should I just keep watching that until it changes to (e.g.) 4.6 or 4.55?

Will version releases be announced on the home page (http://www.udm4.com/) ?


eric.oman 10-10-2008 03:08 AM

Go spam someone else's thread.

Originally Posted by sadsadgd (Post 4740)
I fully support you, this is my task. I hope you better: ...etc... (something about massage parlor web sites) ...etc...

OK, that is *NOT* a valid answer to my question! :mad:

[Expletive] spammers.

( The above-quoted spam post has since been deleted by the admins. )

vinyl-junkie 10-10-2008 03:43 AM

Not to worry. We're deleting the spammer's accounts as soon as we can get to them.

Getting back on the topic of your original post, I'm sure that new versions would be announced on the home page. I can't tell you though whether any new versions are being worked on. Sorry.

10-10-2008 01:12 PM

That is correct. When you download the code, you have the option to sign up for our newsletter, which we use, among other things, to announce new releases. We also will put updates in our XML / RSS feed as well as announcements on the home page of this site.

As an FYI, we are still working on a formal fix for Chrome and IE8, and hope to have a new release by the end of November.


eric.oman 10-10-2008 04:44 PM

Thanks for the info.

Originally Posted by Admin (Post 4759)
That is correct. When you download the code, you have the option to sign up for our newsletter, which we use, among other things, to announce new releases. We also will put updates in our XML / RSS feed as well as announcements on the home page of this site.

Thanks. That gives me plenty of places to check. If the newsletter e-mail doesn't get through for whatever reason, I can check the home page or the RSS feed. Great! :)


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 4759)
As an FYI, we are still working on a formal fix for Chrome and IE8, and hope to have a new release by the end of November.

I'm glad to hear that. I can also tell from the RSS feed (http://www.udm4.com/rss.xml) that continuing improvements are being made at good time intervals. That inspires confidence and will help me to justify our purchase of a commercial license.

Thanks for continuing to develop a great product!

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