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04-25-2010 08:50 PM

Mass. Data Security Law Says "Thou Shalt Encrypt"
emeraldd writes with this snippet from SQL Magazine summarizing what he calls a "rather scary" new data protection law from Massachusetts: "Here are the basics of the new law. If you have personally identifiable information (PII) about a Massachusetts resident, such as a first and last name, then you have to encrypt that data on the wire and as it's persisted. Sending PII over HTTP instead of HTTPS? That's a big no no. Storing the name of a customer in SQL Server without the data being encrypted? No way, Jose. You'll get a fine of $5,000 per breach or lost record. If you have a database that contains 1,000 names of Massachusetts residents and lose it without the data being encrypted that's $5,000,000. Yikes.'"pa href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fyro.slashdot.org%2Fstory %2F10%2F04%2F25%2F1745210%2FMass-Data-Security-Law-Says-Thou-Shalt-Encrypt" target="_blank" title="Share on Facebook"img src="http://a.fsdn.com/sd/facebook_icon_large.png"/a a href="http://twitter.com/home?status=Mass.+Data+Security+Law+Says+%22Thou+S halt+Encrypt%22%3A+http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FctxWth" target="_blank" title="Share on Twitter"img src="http://a.fsdn.com/sd/twitter_icon_large.png"/a/ppa href="http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/04/25/1745210/Mass-Data-Security-Law-Says-Thou-Shalt-Encrypt?from=rss"Read more of this story/a at Slashdot./p pa href="http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~at/ME4u95uW8-6H6DDxw0dSR2QrxN0/0/da"img src="http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~at/ME4u95uW8-6H6DDxw0dSR2QrxN0/0/di" border="0" ismap="true"/img/abr/ a href="http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~at/ME4u95uW8-6H6DDxw0dSR2QrxN0/1/da"img src="http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~at/ME4u95uW8-6H6DDxw0dSR2QrxN0/1/di" border="0" ismap="true"/img/a/pimg src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Slashdot/slashdotDevelopers/~4/5bcEmvHajBY" height="1" width="1"/


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