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Unread 05-04-2012, 07:37 PM
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Default Jury May Be Deadlocked In Oracle-Google Trial

angry tapir writes "The jury may have reached a deadlock in the copyright phase of Oracle's intellectual property lawsuit against Google, although the judge cautioned against jumping to any conclusions. 'What happens if we can't reach a unanimous decision and people are not budging?' one of the jurors asked in a written note sent to the judge. The 12 jurors have been deliberating the copyright phase of Oracle's lawsuit against Google since Monday, and they need to be unanimous in any verdict they reach."According to Groklaw, Judge Alsup raised the possibility of a partial verdict &mdash; accepting the issues the jury can agree on and then retrying the rest. Google was less amenable to that than Oracle.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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