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Unread 01-23-2008, 01:40 AM
Posts: n/a

In your "udm-resources/udm-custom.js" file, look for this block of code:

um.items = [
	"3",		// margin between items ["n" pixels]
	"1",		// border size ["n" pixels] (single value only)
	"collapse",	// border collapse ["collapse"|"separate"] (only applies when margin = "0")
	"#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999",// border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
	"solid",	// border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
	"#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999",// hover/focus border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
	"solid",	// hover/focus border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
	"#999999 #999999 #999999 #999999",// visited border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"] (single, double or four values)
	"solid solid solid solid",// visited border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"] (single, double or four values; be careful with using "none")
	"4",		// left/right padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
	"6",		// top/bottom padding ["n" pixels] (single value only)
	"#ff6600",		// background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
	"#ffe",		// hover/focus background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
	"#ff6600",		// visited background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
	"75%",		// font size ["em"|"ex"|"%"|"px"|"pt"|"absolute-size"|"relative-size"]
	"veranda,sans-serif",// font family ["font1,font2,font3"] (always end with a generic family name)
	"lighter",		// font weight ["normal"|"bold"|"bolder"|"lighter|"100" to "900"]
	"none",		// text decoration ["none"|"underline"|"overline"|"line-through"]
	"left",		// text-align ["left"|"right"|"center"]
	"#000000",	// color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
	"#b05010",	// hover/focus color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
	"#000000",	// visited color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
	"normal",	// font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
	"normal",	// hover/focus font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
	"normal",	// visited font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
	"letter-spacing:1px !important;",// additional link CSS (careful!)
	"",		// additional hover/focus CSS (careful!)
	"",		// additional visited CSS (careful!)
	"right-green.gif",// menu indicator character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"]
	"right-red.gif",// menu indicator rollover character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"] (must be same type)
	"0",		// clipping width of indicator image ["n" pixels] (only when using image arrows)
	"..",		// alt text of indicator image ["text"] (only when using image arrows)
Change the "menu indicator images" from "right-green.gif" and "right-red.gif" to "none".

Hope that helps.
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