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  1. I need Complete CSS tooltip!
  2. Onmouseover,call function but as cursor moves - cursor changes whole time!
  3. Help! - Safari stretches div with background repeat
  4. vertical align the text within a text box
  5. Menu list printing in IE
  6. Set Checkbox background color - IE6
  7. Unselecting one Radio button
  8. Send html email with attachement lying on server authentication on, requires login!
  9. How do I place an image BELOW an expanding menu?
  10. Looks good in FF not in IE7
  11. spreadsheet directly into web design
  12. css overlapping
  13. Two Menus means two ID's!
  14. Need help with Flash error on web site
  15. frame within current form & use id for Hyperlink target
  16. 10 Usability Nightmares You Should Be Aware Of
  17. Simple positioning problem....
  18. CSS based design vs. Table based design
  19. Change border color of table for current row only
  20. META not working in Firefox
  21. Set the height of a drop down
  22. In <TD> certain length/max length then force <BR>
  23. 2 IFrames -Iframe1 btn onclick load iframe2 src & pass iframe1 txtbox val as param
  24. One text box split to look like 4 textboxes with combined result one value
  25. Create a lookup to point to a DB where I specify a query
  26. Force insert value to TextBox in a certain order
  27. Gaps between menu items - difference between IE7 and Firefox
  28. IE9 to have full support for HTML5 and CSS3?
  29. Animation without flase?