This demo uses one of the following configuration files:
instructions and rename)And the following images:
It also uses the Active Styles extension, and the navbar has this additional CSS:
/* additional navbar styling */#udm { padding-top:3px; padding-bottom:3px; background-color:#9b6d5f; margin-bottom:0.5em; border-left:2px solid #b1897e; border-right:2px solid #886053; }/* additional item styles for ie5-6 (where win/ie6 is also in quirks mode) */* html #udm li { width:93px; }* html #udm a { width:75px; }@media screen,projection { * html #udm a { width:93px; } }* html #udm ul li, * html #udm ul a { width:100%; }/* additional item styles for other browsers (including ie7) */#udm > li { width:93px; }#udm > li > a { width:75px; }/* active link styles */#udm ul { border-color:#986a5c; background-color:#986a5c; text-indent:1px; }