I recently had a small project that went absolutely out of control because the client always had the attitude of “if there’s a 5 minute approach, and a 15 minute approach, take the 5 minute approach every time”.
Sure that sounds nice. And everyone wants to save a few dollars on design and development, especially in this economy, but it’s also possible to be penny-wise (as this client was) and pound foolish.
Cliches aside, what this client wanted to do was to integrate several third party applications into a single platform. They wanted an ecommerce engine, social networking engine, forum software, blogging software and a few other common admin apps like CRM and consolidated invoicing system. The problems with integrating the application code were not trivial, but doable. The real problem is that each and every one of these third party apps had their own CSS “concept”. Every one (or at least it seemed like every one) contained their content in a <div> called “wrapper” or “main-content” or similar. While this is a standard technique when you’re building your own corporate site, I have determined that it is a VERY BAD technique when distributing your application to the world.
Because, resolving the conflicts in CSS can be very time consuming, especially if you’re shooting for 100% pixel perfect matches to design documents.
Case and point: This client (who wanted the 5 minute approach) insisted that I should go into the templates and just add inline CSS styles to the right places. That was the “5 minute” approach. I pushed back, and hard, to wrap the pages in a unique ID for each independent system, then re-code their CSS selectors as needed to resolve the major conflicts, then tweak as necessary. (i.e. the 15 minute solution – ok maybe not 15 minutes because these systems had more than one CSS file and some people do really stupid things, but you get the idea). Well, after a lengthy, non-billable time debate, I gave in to the “the client is always right” concept (Note: post on that coming later). And simply did the changes – inline!
Well, it didn’t take long for all those “5 minute” tasks to snow ball. After about 2 hours of “5 minute” changes, we started checking in other browsers and low and behold there were problems. Yes, they were in IE6, but they were still problems. Now the client wanted to fix those “inline” too. At which point I told them that it wasn’t technically possible to do conditional inline styles and was told to do “conditional comments” to make it work. Oh boy. Needless to say, we ended up with a hodge podge of sloppy code that I am totally ashamed to ever be a part of. (Note: A post on clients who know too much is coming soon too ). The bottom line in the project is, with the time it took to make all the “5 minute” changes, I could have completed my original process and had time to spare.
Which brings me back to my original point – and a NOTE to third party web application developers. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, start encapsulating, prepending and otherwise uniquely identifying your CSS selectors with some type of naming convention so it’s easier to integrate with other systems. Magento – prepend all your selectors with “MAGENTO_” for example. PHPBB, you can do the same “PHPBB_” etc. In my opinion, the only people who should be using common selector names like “content”, “wrapper” or “main” are the site designers and developers. Your “wrapper” id should not conflict with mine, and to be honest, I really shouldn’t, as a developer, have to either re-code your CSS or mine just to add it to my site. Especially if you’re charging for your product.
I hope you found this article helpful. Feel free to comment.
Great post! And you’re absolutely right on the CSS. I’ve run into this issue over and over. Glad someone’s speaking up!