These two arrays control the default styles of the menus and menu links.
Styles which apply to each menu.
//styles which apply to each menu
um.menus = [
'-7', // menu to menu x-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
'-12', // menu to menu y-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
'1', // border size ["n" pixels]
'#bdb #080 #080 #bdb', // border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'solid', // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"]
'10.8em', // width ["em"|"ex"|"px"]
'2', // padding ["n" pixels]
'green-strip.gif', // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
'background-color:#f8fbd0;', // additional menu CSS
'greenshadow.png', // shadow background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"|"none"]
'2px', // shadow offset (+-)["em"|"ex"|"px"|"%"|"0"]
'', // additional shadow layer CSS
//styles which apply to each menu
$um['menus'] = array(
'-7', // menu to menu x-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
'-12', // menu to menu y-offset (+-)["n" pixels]
'1', // border size ["n" pixels]
'#bdb #080 #080 #bdb', // border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'solid', // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"]
'10.8em', // width ["em"|"ex"|"px"]
'2', // padding ["n" pixels]
'green-strip.gif', // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
'background-color:#f8fbd0;', // additional menu CSS
'greenshadow.png', // shadow background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"|"none"]
'2px', // shadow offset (+-)["em"|"ex"|"px"|"%"|"0"]
'', // additional shadow layer CSS
Styles which apply to each menu item.
//styles which apply to each menu item
um.menuItems = [
'0', // margin around items ["n" pixels]
'1', // border size ["n" pixels]
'separate', // border collapse ["collapse"|"separate"]
'#f8fbd0', // border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'none solid none none', // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"]
'#aca', // hover/focus border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'none solid none none', // hover/focus border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"]
'#f8fbd0', // visited border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'none solid none none', // visited border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"]
'5', // left/right padding ["n" pixels]
'2', // top/bottom padding ["n" pixels]
'transparent', // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
'#ecefc6', // hover/focus background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
'transparent', // visited background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
'70%', // font size ["em"|"ex"|"%"|"px"|"pt"|"absolute-size"|"relative-size"]
'tahoma,sans-serif', // font family ["font1,font2,font3"]
'normal', // font weight ["normal"|"bold"|"bolder"|"lighter|"100" to "900"]
'none', // text decoration ["none"|"underline"|"overline"|"line-through"]
'left', // text-align ["left"|"right"|"center"]
'#060', // color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'#000', // hover/focus color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'#060', // visited color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'normal', // font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
'normal', // hover/focus font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
'normal', // visited font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
'padding-left:29px;border-right-width:2px;', // additional link CSS
'padding-left:29px;border-right-width:2px;', // additional hover/focus CSS
'border-right-width:2px;', // additional visited CSS
'right-green.gif', // submenu indicator character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"]
'right-black.gif', // submenu indicator rollover image ["image.gif"|"none"]
'3', // clipping width of indicator image ["n" pixels]
'..', // alt text of indicator image ["text"]
//styles which apply to each menu item
$um['menuItems'] = array(
'0', // margin around items ["n" pixels]
'1', // border size ["n" pixels]
'separate', // border collapse ["collapse"|"separate"]
'#f8fbd0', // border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'none solid none none', // border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"]
'#aca', // hover/focus border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'none solid none none', // hover/focus border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"]
'#f8fbd0', // visited border colors ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'none solid none none', // visited border styles ["solid"|"double"|"dotted"|"dashed"|"groove"|"ridge"|"inset"|"outset"]
'5', // left/right padding ["n" pixels]
'2', // top/bottom padding ["n" pixels]
'transparent', // background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
'#ecefc6', // hover/focus background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
'transparent', // visited background ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"|"image.gif"]
'70%', // font size ["em"|"ex"|"%"|"px"|"pt"|"absolute-size"|"relative-size"]
'tahoma,sans-serif', // font family ["font1,font2,font3"]
'normal', // font weight ["normal"|"bold"|"bolder"|"lighter|"100" to "900"]
'none', // text decoration ["none"|"underline"|"overline"|"line-through"]
'left', // text-align ["left"|"right"|"center"]
'#060', // color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'#000', // hover/focus color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'#060', // visited color ["color"|"#hex"|"rgb()"]
'normal', // font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
'normal', // hover/focus font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
'normal', // visited font-style ["normal"|"italic"|"oblique"]
'padding-left:29px;border-right-width:2px;', // additional link CSS
'padding-left:29px;border-right-width:2px;', // additional hover/focus CSS
'border-right-width:2px;', // additional visited CSS
'right-green.gif', // submenu indicator character/image ["text"|"image.gif"|"none"]
'right-black.gif', // submenu indicator rollover image ["image.gif"|"none"]
'3', // clipping width of indicator image ["n" pixels]
'..', // alt text of indicator image ["text"]
UDM 4 is valid XHTML, and in our judgement, meets the criteria for WAI Triple-A conformance.